Section outline

  • Pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes, but sometimes complications do occur. While complications of pregnancy are uncommon, paramedics must be able to recognize these complications, which may be life-threatening to the mother or baby, and manage them effectively. This module deals with the pregnancy and childbirth process and its related complications.

    Most deliveries in the out-of-hospital setting occur without complications. However, emergency deliveries can present a number of challenges to the paramedic. The risk of death or serious neurological injury is much greater when a child is born after a spontaneous, out-of-hospital delivery compared to a controlled, in-hospital delivery. Care given in the first few minutes after birth may have a significant impact on future quality of life. This module discusses the assessment and management of the normal newborn; resuscitation of distressed neonates; and management of common problems encountered in infants during the first month of their lives.

    • Reproductive System, Part 1 - Female Reproductive System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #40


      Reproductive System, Part 2 - Male Reproductive System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #41


      How menstruation works


      Fetal circulation right before birth | Circulatory system physiology | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy


    • Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider

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    • Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets

      TextPlease note that these links require your Advantage Access profile through the Jones and Bartlett Navigate page.  If you have not set this up yet please refer to the document on redeeming your access codes in the program resource section. 

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