Section outline

  • The environment is defined as all of the surrounding external factors that affect the patient. Paramedics may encounter medical and traumatic emergencies related to environmental conditions. Temperature, weather, terrain, and atmospheric pressure can create stresses for which the unprotected body is unable to compensate. A good understanding of the causes and underlying pathophysiologies of the body help the paramedic recognize these emergencies and promptly manage them.  This module will focus on problems related to temperature extremes, drowning and near-drowning, diving emergencies, and high altitude illness.  The module will also discuss the factors that can affect the patient during air medical transport and how to prepare the patient for transport.

    • Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets

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    • Peer to Peer Competency Requirements

      Competencies should be recorded on Comptracker under the Peer to Peer section of your program.

      Module 19

        • 5.6.e Treat Local Cold injury