Module 21
Résumé de section
Paramedics will encounter patients who live with a challenge, who may present with special needs. The challenges that these patients face may be obvious to the EMS provider (such as complete blindness, cerebral palsy, or paraplegia). In other cases, they may be so subtle that they are not identified readily in initial conversation with the patient (such as slight developmentally delay or some degree of traumatic brain injury, some degree of hearing impairment, some forms of mental illness). In still other cases, the challenges are not medical at all, the patient might speak a different language than the provider’s, live in a community culture with very different expectations for health care, or be a foreign citizen in Canada. In all these and in many other cases, it is important for the provider to realize that individuals with challenges exist and may require some level of accommodation for proper patient care to be given.
The module will also review the skills and medications utilized by the advanced care provider. Primary and advanced care teams are common in EMS and it is beneficial for the primary care provider to understand the roles and scope of practice of the advanced care provider. This will allow them to assist when needed as well as understand the capabilities of the provider when calling for assistance.
Students also need to realize that during their careers as paramedics they will be exposed to many kinds of physical and emotional stress. This module will also discuss the situations where the patient may be dealing with palliative care, end of life issues, or dealing with death and dying. This can be an emotional stressor on the paramedic so they will become familiar with the use of equipment and strategies that will help them remain physically and emotionally safe and healthy.